Working with an interior designer is fundamental when home owners are looking to enhance the way they live and experience their homes. Experienced interior designers are capable to identify unique features and envision potential shifts in any given space.

The team at ElementAire Design would love to help you to see the full potential of your home, whether it needs a renovation or just finishing touches.

Architectural Design

Our approach takes into consideration biophilic design, to nurture our human-nature connection, the selection of healthy materials based on the use of the space, and the implementation of circadian lighting and color psychology strategies.

Wellness Design means designing for wellness, focusing on the users of the space. At ElementAire, all of our approaches are created to increase and improve human health and well-being.

Wellness Consulting

If you are an architect, interior designer, building developer or contractor, and you are interested in implementing wellness & biophilic design strategies in your project, ElementAire is here to assist you along the way.

Our consultancy processes are designed to meet our clients needs.

Contact us for more information.